Recognizing and deprogramming the Cult of Trump

The rise of Donald Trump is a symptom of societal decay across the western world, not a cause.

The old world order was a dystopian confraternity dominated by a precisely delineated Caucasian patriarchal system, entrenched in political structures, business and education systems purposefully created and maintained to actively exclude anyone other than the stereotypically archetypical old boys of yore .

Pretty much every republican senator is a living caricature, looking like the staunch derivative by-product of a Colonel Sanders emoticon photo-shopped into a Duck Dynasty advertorial with the beauty filter conspicuous by its absence, all the while enunciating their hate speech tirades like a slightly more crass, less literate and infinitely angrier impressionist of Mater from Disney's cars.

The meteoric rise to power of Barack Obama proved too much for many on the right to bear. Frail egos crumbled, with the insulation against being exposed to the realities of a brutal world where all men and women, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, education level or religion was suddenly being eroded. Their protective barrier which elevated them above the rest of society through the simple passage of birth rite to a life of privilege was ultimately being threatened. Someone had to act. Someone had to pay.

For many, a lifetime of watching people outside of their own self-reflecting bubble of entitlement suddenly begin to obtain upwards mobility and acquire strands of power and slivers prosperity was the most egregious of emasculating behaviour.

Having to call a black man "boss" because he was the most powerful man in the world was simply too much to bear, the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back. A call to arms. A rallying cry.

Dull, aching and deeply suppressed dogmatic impulses of the impuissant man mind and the fear of total irrelevance in a world where real equality meant you can no longer ride the coat tails of the forefathers to unearned prosperity has mobilized a plethora of wildly diverse agents whose only common denominator is a lack of melanin in the basal layer.

But bigotry needs focus, as hatred cannot be sustained without leadership, without constantly feeding its insatiable hunger, without stoking the hornet’s nest.

Enter Donald Trump.

A narcissist so utterly devoid of self-awareness that he could be surreptitiously positioned as the ultimate patsy for the entire base; the quiet middle, the energetically conservative vocal and the alt-right.

It’s hard to imagine that a man who is so vociferously infantile, so carnally driven, so utterly devoid of spirit or soul could unite a base so passionately faithful.

For much of this base the cognitive dissonance of trying to reconcile their faith to their fear of becoming further emaciated and irrelevant is a small price to pay in the grand scheme of things.

An insecure man will happily sell his soul to the devil if he can be convinced it will allow him to retain his faux masculinity, even if its only in his own mind. The general lack of a strong internal locus of control allows the lie to be sold that their manhood is directly bestowed upon them by a designated position of social standing in a imaginary hierarchy. As society embraces the egalitarian ideals in a new social order, those fearful and damaged men retreat to their most basic instincts, rallying behind anyone who promotes their narrow self-interest no matter how in-congruent it may be to their core spiritual beliefs.

As a neutral it is actually fairly entertaining to watch these self-proclaimed Pius actors trying to defend the indefensible, watching the hang-mans noose tightening ever so slowly, removing oxygen and ultimately life out of their argument and ultimately their cause.

The insatiable appetite of the loyalists defies all logic, and so the man who is the antithesis of a caring deity, the man who embodies the bitter abject failures of an unloved son, the man who wears his loneliness and hate on his sleeve has been elevated to Demigod.

Donald is the leader of the Cult of Trump. Conservative America are his loyal followers.

According to there are 10 signs someone is probably a member of a cult:

1.      The leader is the ultimate authority
2.      The group suppresses scepticism
3.      The group delegitimises former members
4.      The group is paranoid about the outside world
5.      The group relies on shame cycles
6.      The leader is above the law
7.      The group uses “thought reform” methods
8.      The group is elitist
9.      There is no financial transparency
10.   The group performs secret rites

A cursory glance at Google quickly ticks all these boxes.

Emperor Trump stands tall adorned in his new clothes, majestic in front of his adoring congregation, a grotesque and naked hatemonger holding aloft the bigoted hopes and dreams of a morally bereft right. Their righteous Master embodies Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy and Pride in a sustained Twitter tirade, and they cheer and chant as they are emboldened to ape his behavior.

Logic and truth do not factor when dealing with someone who is said to be sent for a divine purpose, and so all mortal sins are forgiven or dismissed as fake news. As a means to an end, the spiritual vessel will be forgiven and deified.

Cult members would normally need to be removed from the cultist environment forcibly and deprogrammed through intense sessions of debriefing.

In this case, my advice would be to cut grandpas access to Fox News, Infowars and Trumps Twitter feed. In the modern age, the vehicle for brainwashing and maintaining control over your clan is through the manipulation of social media algorithms. Stopping their access to the lies, the fake news and the repetitive propaganda by limiting or removing screen time might allow them enough breathing room to realise just how absurd and fallible their beloved Guru really is.
