
Showing posts from August, 2019

A midlife crisis

I think I am a self-loathing middle aged white male. I was educated a very conservative dual medium primary school in the early to mid 1980s, where the virtues of the apartheid National Party government were extolled at every opportunity, the states brainwashing project in full swing trying desperately to cling on to power as the walls closed in. In 1989 there was a momentous shift in sentiment and political will as the collapse of communism in Central and Eastern Europe meant that the massive international inflows of money towards defending the African continent against the Red Army dried up, and the Apartheid state could no longer be sustained as sanctions quickly took their toll. I was privileged enough to go to a very liberal English speaking co-ed high school, during a time when the entire world was emerging from a dark age of oppression and cold war. We began to openly discuss the virtues and iniquities of socialism, communism, capitalism, colonialism, religion, r...